La Manufacture des Marie-Salope

A collaboration with craftswoman Solange Battarra.
Inspired by Marseille History museum and in particular the hopper barge wrecks nicknamed Marie-Salope , we dreamt of an artisanal manufacture that would turn domestic waste into colourful and usable materials, instead of putting waste in the sea or landfills.

Each modules is made of a mix of different types of cellulose waste like packing material, eggbox, newspaper, kraft bag… binded together with the use of potatoe starch glue. Divided by colour, damped in water, mixed with plants, each waste become a colourful dough. By combining the doughs together we create plain and marled modules.

Jérémy and Marie

La Manufacture des Marie-Salope

A collaboration with craftswoman Solange Battarra.
Inspired by Marseille History museum and in particular the hopper barge wrecks nicknamed Marie-Salope , we dreamt of an artisanal manufacture that would turn domestic waste into colourful and usable materials, instead of putting waste in the sea or landfills.

Each modules is made of a mix of different types of cellulose waste like packing material, eggbox, newspaper, kraft bag… binded together with the use of potatoe starch glue. Divided by colour, damped in water, mixed with plants, each waste become a colourful dough. By combining the doughs together we create plain and marled modules.

Jérémy and Marie