La Manufacture des Marie-Salope

Collaboration with craftwoman Solange Battarra.
For this installation inspired by Marseille History museum and its collection, we created a large scale color palette by sorting out and transforming domestic waste.

Each recipe is made of a mix of different types of cellulose waste like packing material, eggbox, newspaper, kraft bag… binded together with the use of potatoe starch glue.
Divided by color, damped in water, each material become a colorful dough. By combining the doughs together we create plain or marled colors.


Jérémy and Marie

La Manufacture des Marie-Salope

Collaboration with craftwoman Solange Battarra.
For this installation inspired by Marseille History museum and its collection, we created a large scale color palette by sorting out and transforming domestic waste.

Each recipe is made of a mix of different types of cellulose waste like packing material, eggbox, newspaper, kraft bag… binded together with the use of potatoe starch glue.
Divided by color, damped in water, each material become a colorful dough. By combining the doughs together we create plain or marled colors.

Jérémy and Marie


Just drop the table where you need it!



Stay active on your seat!



Reveal its colorful story with light !




Like moonlight on water



There is no distance between dreamers
